Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Utopian Library

In order to download a book I had to renew my library card. So there's progress! I gotta say one of my personal favorites of our website is Tumble Books. I love when the books come to life. I have listened to several stories and love all the graphics.
Homework helper has been a lifesaver for me more than once when Emily was asking me to hard of math questions.
I'm not a fan of downloading a book, maybe if I had an mp-3 player - but not on my computer - I'd rather read a book and I like to read on a comfy couch. Sometimes at my house it is difficult to get on to a computer - maybe we should have a sign-up like in the lab! Our home computer has a media center so my kids use it often to watch recorded shows from earlier in the week that they couldn't watch due to school work.

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